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13 Push Up Variations Suitable for All Fitness Levels


Discover a plethora of fitness options with 15 push up variations that are easy to perform! Push-ups aren’t just a basic exercise; they’re a dynamic doorway to a stronger, more sculpted you. Whether you’re a fitness novice or a seasoned pro, these variations cater to all levels of expertise. From the classic push-up to exciting twists like the Spiderman push-up or explosive Plyo push-ups, this collection ensures you’ll never get bored while sculpting your body. Join the push-up revolution and discover the versatility that lies within this fundamental exercise. It’s time to spice up your routine and embrace the challenge of 15 push up variations anyone can perform!”

13 Push Up Variations Anyone Can Perform:

Push-ups are a classic and effective exercise for building upper body strength, but did you know there are various ways to modify this simple move to target different muscle groups and add intensity to your workout? Here are 15 push-up variations that anyone can perform to spice up their routine and challenge their fitness levels.


1. Strict (Military) Push Up:

What It Does:

The strict or military push up primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, promoting overall upper body strength and endurance.

How to Do It:

Assume a plank position with hands under shoulders. Keep body straight and lower chest with elbow bend.

Push back up to the starting position.

2. Wide Hands Push Up:

What It Does:

This variation emphasizes the chest muscles and helps broaden the chest.

How to Do It:

Assume a wide push-up position, keeping a straight line from head to heels.

Lower your chest towards the ground.

Push back up to the starting position.

3. Triangle (Diamond) Push Up:

What It Does:

Targets the triceps and inner chest.

How to Do It:

Form a triangle shape with your hands, placing them directly beneath your chest.

Lower your chest towards your hands while keeping your elbows close to your body.

Push back up to the starting position.

4. Pike Push Up:

What It Does:

Focuses on the shoulders and upper back.

How to Do It:

Start in a downward dog position with your hips in the air.

Bend your elbows and lower your head towards the ground.

Push back up to the starting position.

5. Super (Hindu) Push Up:

What It Does:

Engages multiple muscle groups, including chest, shoulders, and back.

How to Do It:

Begin in a downward dog position.

Lower your chest towards the ground while arching your back.

Push back up to the starting position.

6. Staggered Hands Push Up:

What It Does:

Targets one side of the chest more than the other, enhancing muscle imbalances.

How to Do It:

Position one hand slightly forward and the other slightly back.

Lower your chest towards the ground.

Push back up to the starting position.

7. Sphinx Push Up (Triceps Extension):

What It Does:

Isolates the triceps for a focused arm workout.

How to Do It:

Begin by assuming a plank position, keeping your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

Push your body up using your triceps.

8. Spiderman (Side Kick) Push Up:

What It Does:

Incorporates core and hip flexibility while working the chest and shoulders.

How to Do It:

Perform a standard push up while bringing one knee towards the elbow on the same side.

Alternate sides with each repetition.

9. Cross Body Push Up:

What It Does:

Engages the chest and obliques, promoting core stability.

How to Do It:

Perform a push-up while bringing one knee towards the opposite elbow.

Alternate sides with each repetition.

10. Archer Push Up:

What It Does:

Challenges chest and shoulder stability, emphasizing one side at a time.

How to Do It:

Assume a wide push-up position.

Shift your body to one side as you bend one arm while keeping the other straight.

“Push yourself back up to the initial position and repeat the same action on the other side.”

11. Power and Clap Push Ups:

What It Does:

Enhances explosive strength and power in the chest and arms.

How to Do It:

Perform a push-up explosively, lifting your hands off the ground.

Clap your hands before landing softly and moving into the next repetition.

12. Flying Push Ups:

What It Does:

Combines chest, shoulder, and core strength with a dynamic, airborne movement.

How to Do It:

Perform a powerful push-up, lifting your entire body off the ground.

Land softly and move into the next repetition.

13. One-Arm Push Up:

What It Does:

Intensifies the load on one side of the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

How to Do It:

Position one hand behind your back.

Perform a push-up with the opposite arm.

Even More Modifications

Make It Easier:

Perform push-ups on your knees.

Use an elevated surface, like a bench or step, to reduce body weight.

Make It Harder:

Elevate your feet on a stable surface.

Add a plyometric element, such as clapping or explosive jumps.

Advanced Push-Up Techniques

Explore advanced variations like planche push-ups or one-arm one-leg push-ups for an even greater challenge.

Real-life Success Stories:

Read inspiring stories of individuals who incorporated diverse push up variations into their fitness routines and achieved remarkable results.

With these 15 push-up variations, you can keep your workouts exciting and continually challenge your body. Remember to maintain proper form to maximize effectiveness and reduce the risk of injury. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast, there’s a push-up variation for everyone to enjoy and benefit from.

In conclusion, the vast array of push-up variations discussed here showcases the versatility and adaptability of this classic exercise. These 15 variations offer individuals at all fitness levels an opportunity to enhance their strength, endurance, and overall physical well being.

From beginner-friendly options like incline and knee push-ups to more advanced variations such as Spiderman and T push-ups, the selection caters to diverse preferences and fitness goals. The emphasis on targeting different muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core, highlights the comprehensive nature of push up variations.

Furthermore, the incorporation of dynamic movements like clap push ups and explosive push-ups adds an element of intensity, fostering not only muscle growth 

Conclusion :

but also cardiovascular fitness. The variety in hand placements and body positioning not only keeps the workout interesting but also helps in preventing plateaus by challenging the body in new ways.

It is important to note that proper form and technique are crucial for maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risk of injury. Each variation discussed here provides an opportunity for individuals to progressively challenge themselves, promoting continuous improvement in strength and overall fitness.

Incorporating these push up variations into a well rounded exercise routine offers a holistic approach to fitness. Whether one is aiming to build foundational strength, increase muscle definition, or simply diversify their workout regimen, these 13 push up variations provide an accessible and effective means to achieve those goals. The simplicity of the push-up, coupled with its adaptability, makes it a timeless and valuable exercise for individuals on various fitness journeys.


Q1:How many of people can do 20 pushups?

The number of people who can do 20 pushups varies widely and depends on individual fitness levels and training.

Q2:How many pushups should I be able to do at 15?

There is no specific number of pushups that someone should be able to do at the age of 15, as it varies based on factors such as individual fitness, training, and overall health.

Q3:What does 15 push-ups do?

Doing 15 push-ups can contribute to improved upper body strength, endurance, and overall fitness. It targets muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core.

Q4:Can most people do 10 pushups?

The ability to do 10 pushups varies among individuals. While some people may find it challenging, many can achieve this level of strength with regular practice and training.

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